
The future development花城 trend of ceramic wear-resistant valves友雪

管理員(yuán) 4579

The valves commonly used in v就我arious industries are metal valves.放間 The use of ceramic butterfly valves has been around for hun綠林dreds of years. Although the metal 海兵valves have been improved by structure 藍章and materials, they are 光劇not limited by the p書電roperties of metal materials, and can 音訊not adapt to higher and拿能 higher wear and strong corros得放ion. The demand for severe 知車working conditions is m現分ainly reflected in the short service li不我fe, and the serious 件生leakage greatly affects the stability 路市of the system operation. Traditiona唱商l metal valves are i廠著n urgent need of radical 舞用innovation in materials, design and樹街 manufacturing processes. The app男錢lication of ceramic materials to pfa lined diaphragm valves is a bold and beneficial innovati河少on.

The ceramic material風少 has a small deformation 文服amount and a much higher bo愛技nding strength than the metal草裡. Generally, the crystal ionic radiu錢林s of the ceramic mate明吃rial is small, and the ion electric影費ity price is high, and the coordinat區的ion number is large. T體能hese properties determine the tensil鐘志e strength of the ceramic material線學, The compressive strength, modul黑業us of elasticity, ha公會rdness, and the like are 得我very high. However, the "bri外身ttle" and difficult p店照rocessing of ceramic itself limits it答銀s application range. In the past d筆微ecade, due to the development and pro笑少gress of martensitic transform影不ation toughening technolog麗筆y, composite technology and nano個喝-ceramic concept, ceramics h業會ave been made " The brittlen在很ess has been greatly imp秒西roved, its toughness and streng森要th have been greatly improved,照器 and the scope of applicatio車影n has been continuously expanded.

In recent years, the application of new我大 ceramic materials in petroleum, ch媽還emical, machinery and other f匠河ields is very active. The use of ceram睡外ic wear resistance and corrosion re男就sistance to make wear-resistant a湖師nd corrosion-resistant parts 對山instead of metal materials is農中 an important factor in th高務e high-tech material著美s market in recent years. One of the d看動evelopment directions. The social 高木and economic benefits of cera生煙mic valves:

1. The dome valve adopts high-tech new ceramic 老大structural material to ma來街ke the sealing parts and wearing part少化s of the valve, whic呢聽h improves the wear resistance拿歌, anti-corrosion and sealing of the v拍好alve product, and greatly prol那空ongs the service life of暗黃 the valve.

2. The use of ceramic lined elbow can greatly reduce the新視 number of repairs and r分文eplacements of valves, imp爸電rove the safety and st鐘笑ability of the supporting equip一間ment operating system, and save equi得也pment repair costs.

3. The use of ceramic lined pipe can improve the sealing of industr劇從ial piping systems, and mini醫月mize leakage to protect the e鐵藍nvironment.

4. The raw materials for manufacturin美不g ceramics are wide, the cost is l小市ow, and ordinary ceramics such as al見鐘uminum, carbon, silicon民從, etc. can be used to manufacture 去輛ceramic materials with superior perfor事城mance, which can save a lot友輛 of metal materials and rare mineral 地如resources. Wear-resistant ce林錢ramic valves are mainly used in elec間學tric power, petroleum, chemical, meta黃外llurgy, mining, sewage treatment and o煙匠ther industrial fields, especial森能ly in the face of high wear, 這內strong corrosion, high tempera暗個ture, high pressure and other harsh得木 conditions,pfa lined plug valve show its excellent performance. . 門刀Ceramic valves can meet the r金子equirements of high wear and str亮睡ong corrosion. Especially outsta船鐘nding is the long service life. The per東數formance and price ratio of ceramic 姐飛valves is far superior to到水 other similar metal valves. With the c你吃ontinuous development雜司 and advancement of science and techn科看ology, ceramic materials have bec船唱ome more mature and complete 票視from the aspects of formulation, mol個土ding, processing and a自這ssembly process. Cera房美mic valves have gain呢技ed recognition from the valve ind北業ustry for their excel舞草lent performance. The successful expe購著rience of manufacturing ceramic valves 錢麗can also be applied to a wider ran國車ge of engineering fields.
